Why Mobile Billboard Advertising is the Next Big Thing for Your Business

Mobile billboard advertising is the future of marketing. It's a great way to get your company name and logo in front of potential customers while they're on the go, and it can be an invaluable part of any business's marketing strategy in 2022.

The world has changed drastically over the past few years, and digital billboards are no longer enough for many companies. If you want your brand to stand out among competitors, then you should consider going the extra mile to mobile billboard advertising—which is quickly becoming one of the most popular and effective marketing strategies for small and medium businesses.

Why Is Mobile Billboard Advertising the Next Big Thing for Small Businesses?

There are many different ways to advertise, but this is by far one of the best. With mobile billboards, you can reach your target audience on their way home from work or school—without them even realizing it's an advertisement. Below are five of the most important reasons why mobile billboard advertising might be right for you.

1. Mobile billboards are memorable

One of the biggest challenges small businesses face is standing out among competitors. But with a mobile billboard, your logo and brand name will catch people's eyes every time they drive by—without them even realizing it. 

Research shows that a whopping 97% of people remember ads they saw on mobile tracks compared to only 58% of people recalling ads they saw on the internet, and twice as effective as static billboards. 

The best part? Mobile billboards are so effective because people have the opportunity to see your ad multiple times, thereby increasing the chance they'll take action. This means that mobile billboards are more likely to get people interested in your product or service than many other forms of advertising, such as television ads and print advertisements.

2. An Easy Way to Reach the Masses

Mobile billboards are an easy way to capture the attention of potential customers because they can be seen by everyone—not just those who see your static billboard.

While newspapers will only be read by people who buy newspapers, internet ads are only seen by people with internet connections, and static billboards are only viewed by people who happen to drive past them, mobile billboards can be seen by everyone in the vicinity of the mobile advert truck.

This means that you're guaranteed to reach potential customers no matter where they are, and your message will never get lost in the shuffle—unlike many other forms of advertising.

3. You can target specific audiences

Another great benefit of mobile billboards is that you can target specific audiences. For example, if your business caters to a younger demographic then it's possible to purchase ad space on a truck traveling near high schools and colleges—wherever there are young people who might be interested in your product or service.

 This targeting works the same way as it does with ads on the internet or static billboards—the only difference is that it's easier to find these audiences on mobile trucks.

You're also able to target specific areas, which can help you increase sales without having to spend a lot of money on advertising in more expensive locations.

4. It's not that expensive

While mobile trucks aren't exactly cheap, they're still a lot more affordable than other forms of advertising.

For example, an average billboard costs $300 to $400 per week and the cost is usually based on whether it's digital or static (non-digital). For comparison purposes, we'll use the price of a digital mobile billboard for this example.

A digital mobile billboard can cost anywhere from $600 to more than $2000 per week—depending on the area, how many people it reaches, and whether or not there are any restrictions in place. Meanwhile, mobile billboards only tend to cost about half of that amount each week with more audience reach.

In other words, mobile billboards are a great way to advertise because they're both easily accessible and affordable.

5. The audience can't skip or click away from your advert

The last benefit we'll mention is that mobile billboards can't be skipped or clicked away like ads on the internet and static billboards.

This means you know your customers will see your ad, which makes it all the more likely they'll take action—which is why mobile billboard advertising continues to increase in popularity among small business owners just like yourself.


Mobile billboard marketing is a great way to get your business and products noticed. It is cost-effective, easily trackable, and effective for short-term campaigns as well as long-term strategies. With the growing popularity of mobile advertising, billboards are becoming more affordable than ever before.

We hope that you found this article helpful and informative. Feel free to reach out to us if you have any questions.


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