Mobile Billboard Advertising Laws You Need To Know to Stay Safe

Billboard advertising has been a popular form of marketing for decades. Unlike traditional forms of advertising, mobile billboard ads are usually placed in high-traffic or visible locations.

They may also be placed on public transit, such as buses and trains. In many cases, this type of advertising is considered legal so long as it does not interfere with the activities of others.

There are, however, a few laws that every mobile billboard advertiser should know to keep themselves out of trouble when using this. These laws are:

The Mobile Billboard Must Be Legal

While most mobile billboard adverts are legal in most states, there are some that have outlawed the use of these types of advertising. For example, in Massachusetts, there is a ban on all mobile billboard ads within 500 feet of highways and interstates. Other states like California have a law that requires mobile billboards to be one mile away from schools.

Like with all forms of advertising, it is important for ad creators to do their research before setting up an advert so they can stay within the legal limits when using this form of advertising. So, be sure to do research to know what's legal in your state, and what's not.

Avoid Light Pollution

Billboard ads may be a legal form of mobile advertising, but that does not mean they won’t cause light pollution. For example, if the sign is lit up at night and can be seen from your bedroom window this could be considered illegal.

In some cases, creating too much light for an extended period of time will make it difficult for people to sleep and can even cause health problems. So, be sure you know where your ad is going and the potential negative effects it may have on the community by doing research beforehand.

Be Aware Of The Laws Regarding Private Property

As with any type of advertising that uses public spaces like billboards or bus stop ads, there are laws in place that require owners of private property to give permission before any ad can be uploaded.

Be sure you have the proper permissions from home or business owners before uploading your mobile billboard advert so you don’t land yourself in legal trouble later on down the line.

Know The Laws Regarding Noise Pollution

Mobile billboards are often placed near busy highways or in highly populated areas. This means that they tend to be very loud when driving by, especially if the advert is on a bus where hundreds of people are passing it every day.

While this may not seem like too big of an issue at first, you should know that there are laws against noise pollution and creating excessive amounts of sound for an extended period of time.

Therefore, if you want to avoid any legal problems while using this type of advertising platform, do your research beforehand and find out what areas are more susceptible to noise pollution so that you can ensure the advert will not be too loud or disruptive for other people.

States That Have Stringent Laws On Mobile Billboards

There are a number of states that have outlawed mobile billboard ads. The following is a list of some of these states:

  • Massachusetts

  • New Jersey

  • California


So, in conclusion, there are a few laws every mobile billboard advertiser should know before using this type of advertising to ensure that they are not breaking any rules or creating problems for others.


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