Are Mobile Billboards Legal?

Legal or not, mobile billboards are a growing business trend that many businesses are embracing because they are a great way to advertise your business. They can be seen from all around and from many different angles, so they have the potential to reach more people than any other type of advertising. But there is one question that always comes up: Are Mobile Billboards Legal? In this post, we will discuss whether or not mobile billboards are legal in Texas.

The short answer is, Yes! mobile billboards are legal in Texas. However, the laws around mobile billboards are a little bit complicated and keep changing so it's a good idea to check every now and then.

In general, mobile billboards that use vehicles to display messages or images are obviously advertising and must follow the rules like any other form of advertisement in Texas. The laws around mobile billboard advertisements have been tested many times over with different cases going all the way up to the Supreme Court.

Many people argue that mobile billboards attract the attention of drivers increasing the probability of accidents, the billboard trucks intentionally move slowly leading to traffic jams, exhaust emissions, and visual clutter. For these reasons, the use of mobile billboards on public streets in most cities in Texas is limited. 

In many cities across Texas, mobile billboards are not allowed on public roads. There are only a few exceptions where companies are able to get away with advertising their business using mobile billboards in the public right of way. Most beneficiaries of these exceptions are telecommunication companies because Texas law allows telecommunications companies to advertise anywhere along all state highways and interstates.

Running a Mobile Billboard Campaign In Texas

If you have a business in Texas and think that a mobile billboard will do you good, there are a few things you need to keep in mind.

1. First, make sure that mobile billboards are legal in your city and county.

2. Second, as we mentioned earlier, the laws around mobile billboards are always changing so it's important to stay up-to-date on the latest regulations.

3. Third, if you decide to go ahead with a mobile billboard campaign, make sure to choose a reputable company that knows the laws and can help you stay within them.

Normally, mobile billboard advertising companies must apply for a permit to use a mobile billboard. The city or county you are operating in will have specific requirements for the permit, so it's important to verify that the company you are contracting is knowledgeable about obtaining a permit.

Before signing a contract to have any advertising company perform services for you, make sure to read the contract carefully. The company should be able to provide information on how long your campaign will run and any limitations that may apply. Make sure there are no hidden fees or charges because these could increase unexpectedly during the course of your advertising campaign.

Get The Right Mobile Billboard Company

Make sure you hire a reputable mobile billboard company in Texas because the consequences of not following the law can be costly. Although mobile billboards are legal in Texas, it's important to remember that there are still restrictions on where they can be used. The best way to stay within the law is to work with a company that knows the ins and outs of billboard advertising in Texas.

Overall, mobile billboards can be a great way to advertise your business in Texas as long as you follow the laws and regulations set by your city or county. At Jagen Mobile Billboards, we have been in the business of mobile billboards for many years in Texas and are experts in helping businesses run successful campaigns while staying within the law. Give us a call today to learn more!


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