How Much Does It Cost to Rent a Billboard? Mobile vs Stationary

Billboard advertising is a great way to reach your target market and make them aware of your business. With so many different options, it can be difficult to decide which is the best for you. In this article, we will discuss how much it costs to rent a billboard: mobile vs stationary. We will explore the advantages and disadvantages of each type, as well as factors that influence costs such as location, size, and duration of the ad campaign.

Mobile vs Stationary Billboards — Price of Hiring, Pros, and Cons

Advantages of Mobile Billboards

Mobile billboards have lots of benefits.

To begin with, they are more affordable than stationary billboards. They are also easier to set up and takedown, which makes them a great option for businesses that have a limited budget. Additionally, mobile billboards can be used in any location, making them perfect for reaching a wider audience.

Secondly, mobile billboards can be very cost-efficient. This is because you can display your ad for as long or a short a period of time as you’d like. If you are on a tight budget, renting out one month might be enough to get the word out about your new product line while also drawing in more customers than if they were not advertised at all.

Finally, mobile billboards are great for those with a creative flare because they can be personalized to fit your company’s image and brand guidelines. If you want the ad to display only on certain days of the week or during specific hours (e.g., promoting happy hour specials), this is possible as well.

Disadvantages of Mobile Billboards

There are some disadvantages to consider as well. For instance, many people don’t take mobile billboards as seriously as stationary ones because the portable image is not as professional looking. While this can be a benefit to those who are on a tight budget and want to convey that they too have a sense of humor, it might also hurt their business if customers view them negatively or do not take them seriously.

Additionally, mobile billboards can be distracting and even dangerous if not used correctly. Drivers could become distracted by the ad while behind the wheel or pedestrians might not be paying attention to their surroundings when they see an advertisement walking down the street. This could lead to accidents or injuries.

Cost of Mobile Billboards

On average, the cost of hiring a mobile billboard is about $500 to $3600 per month. This price varies depending on the size and duration of the ad campaign, as well as the location.

Advantages of Stationary Billboards

Stationary billboards have many advantages over mobile ones. They are typically more professional-looking, which can give your business a more credible image. Additionally, stationary billboards are better for creating brand awareness because they are in one spot long enough to become familiar with the public.

Finally, stationary billboards can’t be potentially dangerous like mobile ones since drivers will not notice them when driving by and pedestrians will know where they should walk while passing a stationary billboard. If you want to increase your company’s marketability as well as make a safer, more professional impression on your customers, stationary billboards are the way to go.

Disadvantages of Stationary Billboards

Stationary billboards definitely have their disadvantages too. For starters, they can be very expensive and will cost you an average of $3600 per month for a large one in a high-traffic area. On the other hand, small stationary billboards in remote locations can cost you as little as $160 per month; however, they will not be able to reach nearly as many people or have an impact on your business that is anywhere near the same size.

Secondly, while it might seem like a stationary billboard would allow for more creative freedom since it is not as portable, this is often not the case. Many businesses find that they are limited in what they can do with their ad due to the space restrictions and design guidelines of most stationary billboards.

Cost of Stationary Billboards

The cost of renting a stationary billboard ranges from $160 to $3600 per month, depending on size and location.

The cost of renting a billboard is influenced by a number of factors, the most important being size and duration. Larger billboards that are seen by more people for a longer period of time will naturally be more expensive to rent than those that are smaller and seen by fewer people for a shorter amount of time. Additionally, the cost of billboards can vary depending on the location. For example, a billboard in a major city will be more expensive than one in a rural area.

Final Thoughts

When deciding if renting a billboard is the right marketing strategy for your business, it’s important to weigh all of the pros and cons carefully. By considering both mobile and stationary billboards, you can make an informed decision on whether renting a billboard is right for you. We hope that this article shall give you a clear view of the cost of renting a billboard.

Please feel free to contact us for any specific requirements or doubts that you might have. We would be more than happy to assist you.


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